The tag identification efficiency of a reader in an RFID system with Frame Slotted Aloha\r\n(FSA) based Anti-Collision Algorithm (ACA) can be maximized by selecting the optimal\r\nframe length with respect to the number of interrogating tags. Conventional analytical models\r\nthat have been used widely to derive such an optimal frame length are inaccurate because\r\nthey lack either precise characterization of the timing details of the underlying ACA or do not\r\nconsider the physical layer capture effect. In this study, one of the most popular conventional\r\nanalytical models has been extended not only to deliberate the exact timing details of the\r\nunderlying ACA but also to consider the physical layer capture effect. Rigorous numerical\r\nanalysis shows that the optimal frame length derived from the new extended model is precise,\r\nwhereas that of from the conventional model deviates significantly from the true optimal\r\nvalue, particularly when the number of tags is high or the capture probability is low.